Sezione News 08/07/2024


On July 8th, we celebrate the International Day of the Mediterranean Sea, an occasion to raise awareness about the health of our Mare Nostrum and the dangers that threaten it. This day has been established to inform the public about the importance of preserving and protecting one of the most fascinating and vital seas on the planet.

The Mediterranean Sea is known for its crystal-clear waters, picturesque coasts, and rich marine fauna. However, like many other seas, it is facing significant challenges related to pollution. Human activities, from industry to fishing and tourism, are exerting increasing pressure on the marine ecosystem. Plastic, industrial and agricultural waste, as well as chemical contaminants, threaten the health of the sea and its inhabitants.

According to ISPRA, over 240 alien species have been identified in our sea, with 68% of these now stable along our coasts. More than 70% of marine litter settles on the Italian seabed, and of this, 77% is plastic. Even the beaches are not exempt from this problem, with an average of 400 pieces of litter every 100 meters. In the Mediterranean, more than 63% of sea turtles have ingested plastic. 


Another serious problem afflicting the Mediterranean is the oil spills in the seas. Industrial oil and hydrocarbon spills represent a significant threat to marine fauna and flora, causing irreparable damage to ecosystems and contaminating the water. The ecological impact of these spills is devastating, as oils form a film on the water's surface that prevents oxygenation, suffocating marine life and compromising the entire ecosystem.

From the need to find a solution to this serious problem, we at DMR have adopted three types of absorbent pads that represent our concrete response to chemical and hydrocarbon pollution. Our absorbent pads are specifically designed to be universal, suitable for various types of liquids and contaminants, absorb chemicals, and absorb hydrocarbons. These absorbent pads are part of our commitment to actively protecting the environment.

Respect, care, and safeguarding the environment are at the core of our company's mission.

On the occasion of the International Day of the Mediterranean Sea, we want to share with you our company's commitment to fighting marine pollution. We firmly believe that protecting the environment is a collective responsibility and that every action, big or small, can make a difference.

We are proud to announce that just last year, DMR was chosen as a representative company by FIRESPELL.

The choice to be sustainable can start with simple gestures like reducing fish consumption and can expand to supporting companies that adopt sustainable practices to protect the sea and its fauna. Every small step counts and helps protect our planet. This day invites us to reflect and take concrete measures to protect our precious marine ecosystem. Together we can make a difference to preserve the seas for future generations.

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