Sezione News 26/06/2024


May 26th is International Take Your Dog to Work Day, and we at DMR are at the forefront of celebrating this day, as we have partecipate many times to this wonderful initiative.

We firmly believe that having dogs in the workplace can bring numerous benefits to both employees and the work environment as a whole. Our choice represents a significant step towards creating a more welcoming and inclusive work environment. A lot of companies, both in Italy and internationally, are adopting the practice of allowing employees to bring their pets to the office. This choice is not just a pet-friendly policy, but it is supported by studies and research that demonstrate its tangible benefits.

The presence of dogs in the workplace indeed contributes to increased productivity, improved mood, and strengthened bonds among colleagues. Moreover, it creates a more welcoming and inclusive work environment, capable of attracting and retaining talent, thus improving overall job satisfaction.

Among the benefits, we primarily have the increase in sociability. Numerous studies have shown that the presence of dogs in the office fosters the creation of genuine bonds among colleagues. Pets bring joy and serenity, contributing to a more collaborative and friendly atmosphere. These moments of interaction become precious opportunities to get to know each other better and strengthen team spirit.

Stress reduction: petting a dog has a calming effect, reducing stress and anxiety. In the office, having your pet helps you to distract and relax, countering psychophysical stress, especially during periods of high work pressure. This contributes to the overall psychological well-being of employees, improving the quality of work life. This also leads to an increase in productivity!

Having a dog in the office helps to mitigate fatigue. Companies that adopt pet-friendly policies stand out as modern and innovative workplaces, capable of attracting new talents and retaining existing ones. This policy demonstrates attention to employee well-being, enhancing the company's image and improving overall job satisfaction. Implementing aspects of pet therapy in the office can help create a healthier and more positive work environment. We are excited to spread the benefits that this initiative brings to our work environment.


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